Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Quick Dollhouse Shoutout

Joss Whedon's Dollhouse began on a very slow and seemingly limp pace. But the last three episodes - which makes it half the show so far - have been great. In this latest episode, Man on the Street, we really get a better look at the other purposes that the idea of Dollhouse may serve to it's clients.

In a longer than usual episode (49 minutes instead of the usual 42), we get cuts of a documentary about this urban legend that Dollhouse has become. We hear people's opinions, pro and con. And the main client in this episode (played by Paton Oswalt) really brings it home. These aren't just blow-ups for hire, nor ad hoc super soldiers. They can do some good.
And lest we forget the first episode; Echo did choose to become one. She volunteered.

At any rate, this really was a good episode. True to Whedon's sense of something bigger.
Mellie as a doll? Yeah, I've personally seen it coming a mile away. Then again, Whedon was never scared of stating the obvious - reverse psychology and all.

Did you notice that when Topher was called by Boyd outside to talk - right after Topher prepared Echo's next imprint - that when he returned the door behind him was ajar? It was closed before. Which explains Echo's acting all mouthpiecy after kicking Ballard's ass in the alley.
Personally, I wouldn't go counting on the "Echo remembers" theory yet. She really did perform her programing to the T in this one - except, the person who left that door open, must have tampered with the imprint to make her talk. How fortunate it was that Boyd was off duty this time.
Is it Liza Lapira (Ivy, Topher's assistant) back to her old NCIS tricks, being a double agent?

Who was the replacement handler?
Something to think about.

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